Hiking Costa Rica

Cocoflo explored Costa Rica this winter. The Arenal Volcano and Manuel Antonio National Park were amongst Cocofloss's most-loved spots.

The Arenal Volcano stands tall, imposing and perfectly balanced in Costa Rica’s fertile low lands. After a long day hiking the tall, grassy pastures around the volcano’s base, visitors can relax and play in the natural hot springs with waters both cool and hot, often over 100 degrees F. In the evenings, locals likewise gather and relax around the warm, magma-heated river.

While the entirety of Costa Rica represents only 0.03% of Earth’s surface (about the size of West Virginia), the country is home to to 4% of our planet’s biodiversity. Many endangered species can be found in Manuel Antonio National Park, where lush tropical forests, mangroves, lagoons and pristine white beaches converge. Sightings of two- and three-toed sloths, white-face and howler monkeys, singing birds, and vibrant butterflies are frequent and make the hike a magically communal and social experience.

Pura Vida is a common saying with friendly meanings including “no problem”, “hello”, “thank you”, and “you’re welcome”. No phrase seems to better encapsulate the overwhelming diversity, community, and vibrancy of life in Costa Rica than pura vida – “pure life”.

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i. One of the principal sources of Costa Rica’s dense biodiversity is the fact that Costa Rica, together with the land now considered [(1)country name], once comprised a land bridge connecting the Americas [(2) #] million years ago. This bridge allowed the flora and fauna of the two continents to mix.

ii. [(3) fruit], [(4) meat] and [(5) fruit] are three of the largest agricultural exports in Costa Rica.

iii. Do not smile in front of a white-face capuchin monkey! Showing [(6) body part] is a sign of aggression.

iv. 27% of the land in Costa Rica is protected. Comparatively, [(7) %] of land in the US is protected.

v. Although Steven Spielberg's safari-themed [(8) movie name] was set in Costa Rica, filming actually took place in Hawaii.

vi. In Costa Rica, a soda refers not to a beverage, but a small [(9) type of place].

answers: 1. Panama  2. 3-5  3. coffee  4. beef  5. bananas  6. teeth  7. 14%  8. Jurassic Park  9. restaurant