Hot Tropic: Spicy Vegan Hibiscus Quesadillas

Late summer is the perfect time to add a taste of the tropics to your table. Hibiscus, the hot-pink starlet of the culinary scene, is showing up in everything from sweet jams to savory quesadillas. With a flower-power punch of health benefits (we ❤️ its antioxidants!), hibiscus is also a great meat substitute due to its slightly chewy texture and reddish hue when cooked. In fact, these flamboyant flowers have long been a staple of Mexican cuisine. Step aside carnitas

In these delectable vegan hibiscus quesadillas, you’ll actually be eating the dried calyxes of the flower, the part of the plant that protects the petals. Find them at gourmet grocery stores or international supermarkets (look in the bulk-bin aisle). You’ll just rinse the calyxes to remove any little hidden bits of grit, then boil them to make them soft. (A happy byproduct of all that boiling? A fresh batch of hibiscus tea!) Cook up the quesies with some spicy jalapeños and vegan cheese, then salsa step your way to the table. Buen provecho!  


Recipe courtesy of  Hell Yes It's Vegan