Interview with Cocofloss Rock singer: Riley Biederer

Thanks to the talented and wonderful Riley Biederer, we have a new holiday jingle, the Cocofloss Rock! Learn more about her in this interview we did with her earlier this season. 

How long have you been singing?

I really feel like I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. But I professionally started performing and really focusing on it as a career around the ages of 13 or 14. I’m 22 now. 


What motivates you? 

I think when I watch performances of people I look up to and other artists or songwriters, I get so motivated. Really any kind of art honestly. I get so inspired by talented people and I find it so captivating when someone is just incredible at their craft. Like they were meant to be doing it! 


Favorite song to perform?

This is such a hard one. At the moment one of my favorites to play is To Make You Feel My Love. The Adele version! I just recently learned it on the guitar and it’s such a beautiful song.


Favorite place to perform?

I’ve performed at a lot of really fun places. But honestly for me, it’s not so much about the places, but the people I’m performing for. I really just enjoy performing for people who are there to listen. An attentive audience, no matter how big or small, is such a magical thing. There’s a place in Los Angeles, where I live now, called Hotel Cafe. It’s a super intimate place, but it’s so great. It has a really awesome, comfortable energy.  


Where do your ideas come to you? 

Life experiences. Mine and Other peoples. I just pull from things that affect me and the people around me. And I also draw a lot from songwriters & other artists I look up to! 


Favorite artist right now? 

I am completely and totally obsessed with Lennon Stella right now. She just put out an EP called “Love, me” and it’s incredible. Such beautiful pop. 


Favorite holiday?

I have a weird fascination with St. Patrick’s Day. I’m not sure why I’ve always loved it. I think it’s because my birthday is 5 days after. But also, I love Halloween.