Summertime Self Care

by: Sammie Yamashita

Summertime is busy time!

For many of us, summer is a busy time filled with traveling, hanging out with friends, spending time with family, and partaking in as many outdoor activities as we can pack into these three months of warmth and sunshine. I’ve noticed that participating in all of these activities has left me less time and more likely to neglect my self care routine. 

My Usual Self Care Routine Includes:

  • Doing a face mask three evenings a week.
  • Relaxing at least three nights a week after work (taking the evenings to myself instead of hanging out with friends)
  • Working out and going to yoga at least four times a week.
  • Cooking dinners for myself on weeknights and packing my lunch for the next day.

Get Back To It!

I’ve found it to be much more difficult to find time to follow through with these routines as I prioritize fun. It’s been especially harder getting back into my routines after a few weeks of traveling as well. One step I’ve taken the past few weeks, once I realized that my self-care routine was getting neglected, is making a list of all of the things I do to take care of myself, mentally and physically. I’ve started to think about new recipes to make, workouts to try, and am looking forward to relaxing and watching a few new TV shows while resting up in the evenings. 

Balanced Life

Remind yourself that once you take the time to incorporate these things back into your daily routine, you’ll feel balanced, happy and ready to take on each new day in the morning.

Sammie is our social media and marketing associate here at Cocofloss! When she's not browsing through insta-feeds, traveling, or coming up with Cocofloss content, you can find her at the gym, yoga studio, or cooking up a yummy meal with friends.